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12c/24t dual Xeon in an Air 540 case. Unfortunately, not water cooled, though. level 2 Lol I'm using mine to run a Plex server. Definitely renaming it to BX-32 level 1 This is all plausible though. Xeons had 12 cores as early as 2013 (E5-269x). Could also run 2x 6 cores. Plenty of room for the water cooling still. level 2 Yes it's plausible, but they act like it's some kind of supercomputer when it's just a homebrew PC with some off the shelf parts. level 2 My Mac Pro can confirm: runs dual Xeon X5675s. Water cooling really isn't necessary unless you enjoy bragging rights or something that is CPU limited. They make it sound like this thing could brute-force its way in... Hmm... /s level 1 "You could back-door the Pentagon with that rig! " Easy on the lingo there chummer. Just slot your credstick and I'll get you your wetware. level 1 TBF, that doesn't mean there aren't 12 cores and watercooling system inside the case. level 2 I also think the Pentagon line is more of an exaggeration than him genuinely believing that's some uniquely designed hacking machine.

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Discuss amongst yourselves which fate is the worst. Meanwhile, Shadow Moon is left to fend for himself after the train crash, stumbling to safety, trying to get to a place called Cairo, Illinois. Wednesday and Laura could have just taken him, but Shadow needed another test. He finds his way to a gas station and tries to pull a classic 10/20 grift — charm the clerk in such a way that she doesn't realize you gave her a $10 when you ask for change for your $20 — but someone else notices his scam and one-ups the trick. Shadow ends up hitching a ride with the woman who blew up his grift, a woman named Sam Blackcrow. She takes his Polaroid, calls him on his shit, and doesn't seem to have Godlike powers. One wishes the writing were better, but it is nice to see Whittle open up a bit as an actor in these scenes, and he pairs well with Devery Jacobs. At least they have a different energy than the rest of the season to date — more playful, natural, and relaxed. That's three arcs, but "Muninn" has two more subplots with which to play.

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Abgründiger TV-Humor 12. Februar 2015 07:21; Akt: 12. 02. 2015 18:59 Print Skurrile TV-Krimis mit schrulligem Ermittler kennt man aus England oder Skandinavien. Doch jetzt kommt unverhofft Österreich dazu. «Der Metzger und der Tote im Haifischbecken» - so lautet der Titel eines neuen Krimis, der an diesem Donnerstag (20. 15 Uhr, ARD) zu sehen ist - und die zweite Folge kommt erstaunlicherweise gleich eine Woche später und hat einen ähnlich sinnigen Titel: «Der Metzger muss nachsitzen». Es handelt sich dabei keineswegs um einen Angehörigen des Fleischfachhandels, der sich neben dem Zerlegen von toten Tieren um unlösbar erscheinende Kriminalfälle kümmern darf - vielmehr ist mit der Titelfigur ein Herr namens Willibald Adrian Metzger gemeint. Beuten die TV-Sender die «Tatort»-Macher aus? Der irrste Krimi des Jahres Und der Metzger (Robert Palfrader) ist eigentlich Restaurator von antiken Möbeln, spricht auch gerne schon tagsüber dem Rotwein zu, besitzt weder Handy noch TV-Gerät und ein Auto natürlich schon mal gleich gar nicht.

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Inside The French Laundry's kitchen, mid-1990s [Photo: The French Laundry/ Facebook] Perhaps Achatz's most personal menu to date will debut in the fall, titled " October 28th, 1996. " It will celebrate the 20 years since the chef's first day at Thomas Keller's celebrated Napa Valley restaurant The French Laundry, and it's been approved by Keller himself. On October 28, Achatz will recreate the meal he and his father shared at The French Laundry on the same date two decades earlier — "Get ready, TFL is coming to Next. " This date is also just a year before then restaurant critic at the New York Times Ruth Reichl called The French Laundry "the most exciting place to eat in the United States. " Season ticket prices will range from $255 to $285. On Friday, December 10, at 10 a. m., 48 hours after season ticket renewals end, Next will open ticket sales to the general public. The restaurant claims to have more tables offered than 2015 subscribers "to ensure there is availability for newcomers. "

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6 "Classic Evan" Gary Fleder TBA October 26, 1998 106 Tim and Julie may lose the twins to their biological mother; Evan treats a drug-addled radio personality. 7 "Maybe It's You" Ken Olin TBA November 2, 1998 107 Roger confronts a man he suspects of spouse abuse; a couple breaks up over Viagra; chicken soup and a cork. 8 "The Code" David Carson TBA November 9, 1998 108 Tim helps a mother addicted to heroin; Roger confronts a dangerous plastic surgeon. 9 "What About Bob? " Scott Brazil TBA November 16, 1998 109 Sarah delivers two babies simultaneously; Roger identifies with a homeless man; Tim encounters a racist. 10 "Nate Expectations" Nicole Holofcener TBA November 30, 1998 103 Parents abort an unborn child after learning it is male; seeking a nontraditional cure, Tim accompanies a terminal patient to Mexico. 11 "Leap of Faith" Reynaldo Villalobos TBA December 7, 1998 110 Sarah is happy to be pregnant; Roger has a new relationship; Evan and Kelly date. 12 "Endless Bummer" Gary Fleder TBA December 14, 1998 111 Roger's old flame has a brain tumor; Tim wants to donate bone marrow to a cancer patient.

Thursday, 25 February 2021