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1, 154, 866 TESTS TAKEN IN THE LAST 30 DAYS Recent Reviews December 5, 2020 - 11:33am by Alli Wow! The Enneagram report was revelatory, validating, alarmingly accurate, and tremendously helpful. It is such a relief to finally have a vocabulary for explaining things about myself that I could perceive and feel but could never fully understand or express. Why do I always xxx? Why does xxx behavior upset me? How can I learn to xxx? This report explains it all! Beyond illuminating my present patterns, behaviors, strengths and limitations, it offers pathways and tools to help me become the healthiest, most productive, most impactful version of my authentic self - the person I was born to be. What a gift!! December 3, 2020 - 8:53pm by Elise Davis I've been skeptical of personality tests in general, but I was pleasantly shocked with Truity's Enneagram! It felt like it spoke to me, revealed truths about me I wasn't even aware of myself. The depth and insight have actually helped me understand how I tick and what I need to improve on to be happier with myself.

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Someone posted an image of one of her poems. There was no title and no author's name. I had to hunt her down via Google. I bought this book on Kindle and pre-ordered the paperback version of "Wild Embers" which has now arrived. And then I found her on Twitter. For personal reasons I won't go into here, I have been in Trauma Recovery for over a year. When my heart gets too heavy and too dark, this book has been a light guiding me back to myself. It has strength and softness and wisdom and light in its pages. It won't be everyone's cup of tea (what is? ) but I found it healing and restorative. 4. 0 out of 5 stars Exactly What I Needed. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 22, 2019 Verified Purchase At the risk of sounding like a small child instead of a fully fledged adult attempting to undertake adulting on the regular, all I have to say is: Nikita Gill is my favourite. And she's my favourite because even when her collections don't hit me straight away, as this one didn't, it takes only a handful of incredible poems for me to slip straight back down that rabbit hole.

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Tigre agora luta contra o rebaixamento. Já o Dragão chegou aos 21 pontos e é líder isolado da competição Há 2 meses futebol Em jogo de cinco gols, Galo Carijó marca no fim, com 10 jogadores em campo, e vence Tigre por 3 a 2 no Mário Helênio Há 3 meses mineiro módulo 2 Preca é o segundo treinador demitido pela diretoria neste ano. André Lima será o técnico interino. Há 3 meses ipatinga

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Unser gestriger Beschluss hat unterschiedliche Reaktionen hervorgerufen. Wir haben alle Kommentare gelesen und vielfach auch geantwortet und vereinzelt auch Interpretationen richtiggestellt. An dieser Stelle nochmal folgender Hinweis: Wir fordern keine Fortführung des schulisch angeleiteten Lernens zu Hause, wie es von der Senatsbildungsverwaltung gestern für die Zeit bis 17. 01. 2021, vorbehaltlich der ausstehenden Abstimmung in der Kultusminister*innenkonferenz und der Runde der Ministerpräsident*innen mit der Kanzlerin, angekündigt wurde. Es deutet sich für uns an, dass der laufende Lockdown verlängert wird und damit auch die Schulen weitgehend geschlossen bleiben. Unsere Forderung nach dem Alternativszenario bezieht sich auf die Stufe Rot des Stufenplans für die Berliner Schulen (). Das bedeutet für die weiterführenden Schulen verkleinerte Lerngruppen im Wechsel von 50% Präsenz und 50% schulisch angeleitetem Lernen zu Hause, also sogenannte A/B-Tage oder -Wochen. Für Grundschulen heißt es täglich 3h Unterricht und 2, 5h Betreuung für alle Schüler*innen.

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Thursday, 25 February 2021