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INTRO: Em Am D Bm C Am D D Em Am She never took the train alone D Bm she hated being on her own C Am She always took me by the hands D B and say she needs me She never wanted love to fail she always hoped that it was real She'd look me in the eyes and say believe me And then the night becomes the day and there's nothing left to say If there's nothing left to say then something's wrong Em Am D Bm C Ref. Ohhh tonight you killed me with your smile Am D B so beautiful and wild so beautiful Em Am D Bm Ohhh tonight you killed me with your smile C Am B Em so beautiful and wild so beautiful and wild And as the hands would turn with time she'd always say that she was mine She'd turn and lend a smile to say that she's gone But in a whisper she'd arrive and dance into my life Like a music melody like a lovers song Refrain B Through the darkest night Em comes the brightest light And the light that shines is deep inside It's who you are Refrain

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Yes, dry cleaning and laundry service are offered to guests. Does NH Sant Boi offer any business services? Yes, it conveniently offers a business center, meeting rooms, and a banquet room. Which languages are spoken by the staff at NH Sant Boi? The staff speaks multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, and Catalan. Are there any historical sites close to NH Sant Boi? Many travelers enjoy visiting Colonia Guell Gaudi Crypt (2. 7 miles) and Biblioteca Marta Mata (2. 8 miles).

Muchos años tardé en hacer un símil entre la ingeniosa Cherezada de Las mil y una noches y mi abuelo Enrique. Así como el niño al caminar reproduce a su manera el andar de su abuelo o de su papá, o las costumbres de su mamá, las prácticas lectoras en cierta medida son producto, están sobredeterminadas, por la herencia, por las experiencias anteriores y el contexto sociocultural en que vivimos. En mi caso, en la primaria solo leí libros de texto –el libro El solitario del Teira, que nos contó mi abuelo, lo pude disfrutar cumplidos mis 37 años, por una copia que me regaló la hija de un minero-. Propiamente mi historia lectora arrancó en la secundaria. Con libros que me proporcionaron mis amigos Eduardo Quintanar Sarellana, José Abraham de León Fong y Gerardo Sánchez Medinilla. Ellos contaban con obras diferentes a los libros de texto. En mi casa no había libros, apenas alcanzaba para comprar los libros de texto. En la preparatoria Venustiano Carranza en Torreón, Coahuila, tuve la fortuna de tener como condiscípulo a Antonio Antolín Fonseca, hijo de profesores.

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The task is not: to find – the lovable object; but the task is: to find the object already given or chosen – lovable, and to be able to continue finding him lovable, no matter how he becomes changed. – Søren Kierkegaard (Danish philosopher) Bad is never good until worse happens. – Danish Proverb He who is afraid of asking is afraid of learning. – Danish Proverb Traveling means venturing out to find that life can be lived in a different way than with the norms and parameters of happiness one was raised with. – Troesl Kløvedal (Danish author and long distance sailor) Quote from Troels Kløvedal, previously on display at the Natural History Museum in Aarhus, DK Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. – Hans Christian Andersen (Danish author) Most of the people who will walk after me will be children, so make the beat keep time with short moving steps. – Hans Christian Andersen (Danish author) Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. – Robert Storm Petersen (Danish cartoonist) You learn to enjoy the view when you have been standing by the abyss long enough.

Thursday, 25 February 2021